To carry out the writing activity, you must first complete this crossword.

In the crossword you will find 10 words that you must use to make a story. All the words you have found should appear in the story. 

When you have the writing you must write it and uploadit to this entry in a comment. 

I am excited to read all of them!! 




Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
     2           3       
         5          6    
9   10                    


  1. Hello, good afternoon, I found the activities you propose on the blog very interesting. Above all I highlight the style, it is very striking and beautiful. The colors are very well chosen and the design too. What invites you to enter, participate and comment.

    Thank you very much for your contribution to the educational community.

  2. Hello Paula! I found this activity very attractive and appealing to all the kids, since they need to figure out new words that afterwards they are going to use to create a full story on their own. A very complete activity that could be really interesting to use in the classroom in order to promote the writing skills and make students write as much as they want while having lots of fun doing it.

  3. Hello Paula,

    for me, on the one hand, the activities proposed are very clear, complete, interesting, enjoying and original to kids at my school who would love working on skills this way. We would get them to be much more attentive in the classroom.

    Also, the style of the blog has caught my attention from the beginning because your creativity is reflected in it.

    The development of the content is logical using visual elements (funny images) that add quality to the blog and increase the interest of the readers.

    I love the colors you have used, which attracts the attention of anyone who visits the blog.
    In terms of grammar and spelling they are usually correct.

    The design invites us to participate and comment on what we like the most.

    By other hand, the activity of speaking could be improved because you should have posted another one to work on pronunciation, which is quite lacking for most students.

    Lastly, you don´t indicate whgich are the sources from which the images and the rest of content come.

    Thanks you for your contribution.


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